Success! What Comes Next...
15 days ago
– Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 06:07:31 AM
My deepest thanks to everyone for supporting this project to bring it life! This is one of the projects I have most wanted to work on, and thanks to your generous support and a great campaign, I'll be able to do that this year.
What happens next: Kickstarter will charge the pledges and get everything consolidated over the next two weeks. I'll be setting up the Backerkit pledge management system in the mean time, and the reward surveys will be going out from Backerkit on or about the 21st of this month. The reward surveys are crucial for fulfillment so I can get the correct mailing information, so please look out for that email in about 2 weeks, including checking your spam folder. I'll also have a Pre-Order page set up at that time where anyone who missed the pledge period can reserve a copy of the Edda before I need to submit the final print count in May/June.
Many thanks,
Joel Trumbo
Home Stretch!
20 days ago
– Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 08:44:56 AM
We're in the final stretch for the campaign period! We've just met the stretch goal for decorative endpapers; I would love it if we could share the campaign around widely in these last couple of days and see if we can reach our next stretch goal for the slip-cases before it concludes!
Next begins the process for setting up the backer surveys and finalizing everything before moving into the production phase. To that end, I have partnered with Backerkit to facilitate surveys, pledge management, and pre-order options to ensure we will proceed towards the fulfillment stage as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Backers should receive their surveys a couple of weeks after the campaign concludes, which will allow you to confirm essential info for fulfillment - email addresses, shipping addresses, and the like.
Thanks to everyone who has jumped in so far to make this campaign such a success! Onward!
Stretch Goal Coins
about 1 month ago
– Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 07:37:27 AM
I'm working on the design mockup for engraving the stretch goal coins that will come with the Eddas:
The front side is based on fragments from a Jelling style disc brooch from Sweden, showing two birds intertwined (perhaps Huginn and Munnin?) The back side features an Odin mask in the common style of stone engravings like this one:
His head is ringed with the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark, which represent the fundamental energies or structures of reality, which Odin had to sacrifice himself to acquire in his quest for wisdom that would let him unlock the secrets of fate - his own fate having been revealed to him that he would fall by the great wolf in the final battle. They represent a fundamental aspect of the Norse worldview - though fate is inexorable, this reality is not without tools given to us by which we might lean into fate instead of fleeing from it, and perhaps even reorder the great web of fate by heroic action. These tools are valuable, and not to be obtained without great difficulty and sacrifice.
2nd Stretch Goal Reached!
about 1 month ago
– Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 05:57:24 PM
With wonderful momentum and thanks to you all, we've unlocked the 2nd stretch goal in our first week of the campaign - the Norse treasure coins. These will be like the stretch goal we did with the Beowulf, where each book pledge received an engraved coin in the Anglo-Saxon inlay style of the Sutton Hoo hoard:
For this project, the coin will be engraved in a Norse or Baltic style like the numerous brooches and disks that have been discovered in places like Gotland, showcasing the interlace style of Scandinavia during the Viking Age. I'll be putting together some designs based on historical artifacts and sharing the mockups with you all.
Now every pledge at the Hardcover Edda and above will receive one of these bonus coins, and they will also be available as add-ons if folks want any extras.
Let's keep spreading the word about the campaign and unlock more bonuses and beautifications!
Thank you all.
First Stretch Goal Met!
about 1 month ago
– Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 08:26:55 AM
We have surpassed the first stretch goal in less than three days! Phenomenal! Thank you everyone!